--- title: "Convergence monitoring" author: "
Federico M. Stefanini, Nedka D. Nikiforova, Chiara Litardi, Eleonora Peruffo and Massimiliano Mascherini" date: "`r Sys.Date()`

Index:" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: fig_caption: yes toc: true number_sections: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Convergence monitoring} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % \VignetteDepends{ggplot2,dplyr,tidyverse,eurostat,purrr,tibble,tidyr,formattable,kableExtra,caTools,gridExtra,knitr,magrittr,readr,readxl,utf8} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} editor_options: chunk_output_type: console --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) library(tidyverse) library(eurostat) library(purrr) library(tibble) library(tidyr) library(formattable) library(kableExtra) library(caTools) library(convergEU) knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.width = 7, fig.height = 5 ) ```

The evaluation of convergence is important not only for determining the dynamic of member states in the EU but also as a support to policy makers. The R package *convergEU* is a suite of functions to download, clean and analyze some convergence features. In this document, the package *convergEU* is described and the main functionalities illustrated. # Datasets on EU member states Two types of sources are considered: data produced by Eurofound, available without and active Internet connection, and Eurostat data that can be downloaded on the fly, upon necessity from this package. ## Locally accessible datasets Some datasets are accessible from package *convergEU* using the R function *data()*, for example : ```{r,eval=FALSE} data("emp_20_64_MS",package = "convergEU") head(emp_20_64_MS) ``` Eurofound datasets are locally available within the *convergEU* package, see: ```{r,eval=FALSE} data(package = "convergEU") ``` A description of the above data is available by the R help, for example: ```{r,eval=FALSE} help(emp_20_64_MS) ``` Eurofond local data are considered below: ```{r} data(dbEurofound) head(dbEurofound) ``` where variable names are: ```{r} names(dbEurofound) ``` and time ranges in the interval: ```{r} c(min(dbEurofound$time), max(dbEurofound$time)) ``` and the dataset is not complete in such a time range for all considered countries. Further details on Eurofound dataset are available as follows (metainformation): ```{r} data(dbEUF2018meta) print(dbEUF2018meta,n=20,width=100) ``` **NOTE: within convergeEU package, Eurofound data are statically stored**. Please update this package to have the most recent version of Eurofound data. The first step of an analysis is data preparation. This amounts to choose a time interval, an indicator and a set of countries (MS, Member States), for example: ```{r} convergEU_glb()$EU12$memberStates$codeMS ``` thus, selecting "lifesatisf" from the column "Code\_in\_database" ```{r} myTB <- extract_indicator_EUF( indicator_code = "lifesatisf", #Code_in_database fromTime=2003, toTime=2016, gender= c("Total","Females","Males")[2], countries= convergEU_glb()$EU12$memberStates$codeMS ) myTB ``` which results in a complete dataset ready for further analysis. **IMPORTANT:** the analysis of convergence is performed on clean and imputed data, i.e. a tidy dataset in the format years by countries. This means that the dataset must always have these characteristics: If missing values are present, then imputation is required, as described in the next sections. Another illustrative example follows. ```{r} print(dbEUF2018meta,n=20,width=100) names(convergEU_glb()) myTB <- extract_indicator_EUF( indicator_code = "JQIintensity_i", #Code_in_database fromTime= 1965, toTime=2016, gender= c("Total","Females","Males")[1], countries= convergEU_glb()$EU27_2020$memberStates$codeMS ) print(myTB$res,n=35,width=250) ``` Imputation must take place before doing any analysis: ```{r,out.width="100%"} myTBinp <- impute_dataset(myTB$res, timeName = "time", countries=convergEU_glb()$EU27_2020$memberStates$codeMS, tailMiss = c("cut", "constant")[2], headMiss = c("cut", "constant")[2]) print(myTBinp$res,n=35,width=250) ``` ## Metaresults and missing values check Several functions in *convergEU* package return a list with metainformation, that is three components: *res, msg, err*. The first list component, *res*, is the actual result, if computed. The second component, *msg* is a message decorating the computed result, possibly a warning. The third component, *err*, is an error message or a list of errors when a result is not computed. Below this behavior is illustrated for function *check_data*. The structure of the standard dataset is a time by countries rectangular table. All variables are quantitative. The following function check for such features: ```{r} check_data(emp_20_64_MS) ``` where the list component *res* is TRUE, that is all checks are passed. In case of qualitative variable or missing data checks fail, for example if time is qualitative: ```{r} tmp <- emp_20_64_MS tmp <- mutate(tmp, time=factor(emp_20_64_MS$time)) check_data(tmp) ``` the *err* component explains what went wrong. Similar errors are signaled if the dataset is not complete: ```{r} tmp <- emp_20_64_MS tmp[3:6,1]<- NA check_data(tmp) ``` ## Imputation for artificially generated missing values in the Eurofound database Let's consider the following indicator from the Eurofound database: ```{r} myTB <- extract_indicator_EUF( indicator_code = "exposdiscr_p", #Code_in_database fromTime=1966, toTime=2016, gender= c("Total","Females","Males")[1], countries= convergEU_glb()$EU12$memberStates$codeMS ) ``` where missing value are absent ```{r} sapply(myTB$res,function(vx)sum(is.na(vx))) ``` thus an artificial dataset is built by introducing some missing values and by taking further years for testing purposes: ```{r} set.seed(1999) myTB2 <- dplyr::bind_rows(myTB$res,myTB$res,myTB$res) myTB2 <- dplyr::mutate(myTB2, time= seq(1975,2015,5)) for(aux in 3:14){ myTB2[[aux]] <- myTB2[[aux]] + c(runif(6,-2.5,2.5),0,0,0) } ``` ```{r} myTB2[["BE"]][1:2] <- NA myTB2[["DE"]][8:9] <- NA myTB2[["IT"]][c(3,4, 6,7,8)] <- NA myTB2[["DK"]][6] <- NA myTB2 ``` Now an imputation function may be called to prepare data for calculations on convergence. The two examples below differ about what to do with missing starting values. ```{r} toBeProcessed <- c( "IT","BE", "DE", "DK","UK") # debug(impute_dataset) impute_dataset(myTB2, countries=toBeProcessed, timeName = "time", tailMiss = c("cut", "constant")[1], headMiss = c("cut", "constant")[1]) impute_dataset(myTB2, countries=toBeProcessed, timeName = "time", tailMiss = c("cut", "constant")[2], headMiss = c("cut", "constant")[1]) ``` The above calculations passed numerical tests and comparisons. If a country is processed but it has no missing, then no numerical value change. # On Convergence Several measures of convergence have been recently proposed by Eurofound (Eurofound (2018), Upward convergence in the EU: Concepts, measurements and indicators, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg; by: Massimiliano Mascherini, Martina Bisello, Hans Dubois and Franz Eiffe) In this section each each measure is considered by one or more examples. ## Beta-convergence Let's assume we have a dataset (tibble) of sorted times by countries values. The calculations are performed according to the following linear model: $$ ln(y_{m,i,t+\tau})-ln(y_{m,i,t}) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 ln(y_{m,i,t}) +\epsilon_{m,i,t} $$ where $m$ represent the member state of EU (country), $i$ refers to an indicator of interest, $t$ is the reference time and $\tau \in \{1,2,\ldots\}$ the length of the time window (typically $1$ or more years). In the simplest case, just two time values are considered, $t$ and $t+\tau$, while in a more general setup all observed times in set $\{t,t+1,\ldots,t+\tau-1, t+\tau\}$ are included into regression.

In this more general case, the current implementation of beta-convergence function always maintain the same reference time across different years and it divides the left hand side by the amount of time elasped as an option, that is the alternative formula: $$ \tau^{-1}(ln(y_{m,i,t+\tau})-ln(y_{m,i,t})) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 ln(y_{m,i,t}) +\epsilon_{m,i,t} $$ is available.
The output of *beta_conv()* is a list in which transformed data, the point estimate of $\beta_1$ and a standard two tails test is reported (p-value and adjusted R squared). One tail test $H_0: \beta_1 \geq 0$ against $H_1: \beta1< 0$ might be of some interest, but it is not implemented. Below an example on how to invoke the function: ```{r} #library(ggplot2) #library(dplyr) #library(tibble) testTB <- tribble( ~time, ~countryA , ~countryB, ~countryC, 2000, 0.8, 2.7, 3.9, 2001, 1.2, 3.2, 4.2, 2002, 0.9, 2.9, 4.1, 2003, 1.3, 2.9, 4.0, 2004, 1.2, 3.1, 4.1, 2005, 1.2, 3.0, 4.0 ) res <- beta_conv(tavDes = testTB, time_0 = 2002, time_t = 2004, all_within = TRUE, timeName = "time") res ``` but note that this is not the common practice, which considers the first and last time instead. In order to consider just two times, starting and ending times, the option *all_within = FALSE* must be specified ```{r} res <- beta_conv(tavDes = testTB, time_0 = 2002, time_t = 2004, all_within = FALSE, timeName = "time") res ``` Note that *all_within = FALSE* is the default. ## Sigma-convergence The key concept in sigma-convergence is variability with respect to the mean. Let $Y_{m,i,t}$ be the value of indicator $i$ for member state $m$ at time $t$, and $\overline{Y}_{A,i,t}$ the average over aggregation $A$, for example $A = EU27_2020$, than: * the average is $\overline{Y}_{A,i,t} = n(A)^{-1}\sum_{m \in A} Y_{m,i,t}$, where $n(A)$ is the number of member states within aggregation $A$; * the standard deviation is $s_{A,i,t} = \sqrt(n(A)^{-1} \sum_{m\in A} (Y_{m,i,t} - \overline{Y}_{A,i,t})^2)$; * the coefficient of variation is $CV(A,i,t) = 100\cdot \frac{s_{A,i,t}}{\overline{Y}_{A,i,t}}$. For each year, the above summaries are calculated to quantify if a reduction in heterogeneity took place. In this section we assume that all member states contributing to the unweighted mean are contained into the dataset, for example: ```{r} testTB <- tribble( ~time, ~countryA , ~countryB, ~countryC, 2000, 0.8, 2.7, 3.9, 2001, 1.2, 3.2, 4.2, 2002, 0.9, 2.9, 4.1, 2003, 1.3, 2.9, 4.0, 2004, 1.2, 3.1, 4.1, 2005, 1.2, 3.0, 4.0 ) sigma_conv(testTB,timeName="time") ``` It is possible to select a time window, as follows: ```{r} sigma_conv(testTB,timeName="time",time_0 = 2002,time_t = 2004) sigma_conv(testTB,time_0 = 2002,time_t = 2004) ``` More interesting calculations deal with an Eurofound dataset *emp_20_64_MS*. Note that all and only countries in EU28 are included, those that contribute to the average: ```{r} data(emp_20_64_MS) mySTB <- sigma_conv(emp_20_64_MS) mySTB ``` As a first step, the departure from the mean is characterized ```{r} res <- departure_mean(oriTB = emp_20_64_MS, sigmaTB = mySTB$res) names(res$res) res$res$departures ``` where $-1,0,1$ indicates values respectively below $-1$, within the interval $(-1,1)$ and above $+1$. Details on the contribution of each MS to the variance at a given time $t$ is evaluate by the square of the difference $(Y_{m,i,t} - \overline{Y}_{EU27,i,t})^2$ between the indicator $i$ of country $m$ at time $t$ and the unweighted average over member states, say EU27: ```{r} res$res$squaredContrib ``` It is also possible to decompose the numerator of the variance, called deviance, at each time in order to appreciate the percentage of contribution provided by each member state to the total deviance, $$100 \cdot \frac{(Y_{m,i,t} - \overline{Y}_{EU27,i,t})^2}{ \sum_{m} (Y_{m,i,t} - \overline{Y}_{EU27,i,t})^2 }$$ for the indicator $i$ of country $m$ at time $t$. ```{r} ## sigma_conv(testTB,timeName="time",time_0 = 2002,time_t = 2004) res$res$devianceContrib ``` thus each row adds to $100$. It is possible to produce a graphical output about the main features of country time series, as shown below: ```{r,eval=T,fig.width=7,fig.height=9} myGG <- graph_departure(res$res$departures, timeName = "time", displace = 0.25, displaceh = 0.45, dimeFontNum = 4, myfont_scale = 1.35, x_angle = 45, color_rect = c("-1"='red1', "0"='gray80',"1"='lightskyblue1'), axis_name_y = "Countries", axis_name_x = "Time", alpha_color = 0.9 ) myGG ``` Any selection of countries is feasible: ```{r,eval=T} #myWW1<- warnings() myGG <- graph_departure(res$res$departures[1:10], timeName = "time", displace = 0.25, displaceh = 0.45, dimeFontNum = 4, myfont_scale = 1.35, x_angle = 45, color_rect = c("-1"='red1', "0"='gray80',"1"='lightskyblue1'), axis_name_y = "Countries", axis_name_x = "Time", alpha_color = 0.29 ) myGG ``` ## Gamma-convergence We now introduce gamma convergence by an index based on ranks. Let $y_{m,i,t}$ be the value of indicator $i$ for member state $m$ at time $t=0,1,\ldots, T$, and $\{ \tilde{y}_{m,i,t}: m \in A )$ the ranks for indicator $i$ over member states in the reference set $A$, for example $A = EU27$, at a given time $t$. The sum of ranks within member state $m$ is: $$ \tilde{y}^{(s)}_{m,i} = \sum_{t=0}^T \tilde{y}_{m,i,t} $$ thus the variance of the sum of ranks over the given interval $$ Var\left[ \{\tilde{y}^{(s)}_{m,i}: m \in A \} \right] $$ may be compared to the variance of ranks in the reference time $t=0$: $$ Var\left[ \{\tilde{y}_{m,i,0}: m \in A \} \right] $$ The Kendall index KI, with respect to aggregation $A$ of member states for the indicator $i$ over a given time interval is: $$ KI(A,i,T) = \frac{Var\left[ \{\tilde{y}^{(s)}_{m,i}: m \in A \} \right] }{ (T+1)^2 ~~Var\left[\{\tilde{y}_{m,i,0}: m \in A \}\right] } $$ The measure of gamma-convergence is obtained with the following function: ```{r} gamma_conv(emp_20_64_MS,2002,2016) ``` Note the starting time is zero, the reference, but first a copy of the dataset is performed. ```{r} (timeCounTB <- testTB) ``` Now we move to ranks within time using *rank()*: ```{r} tmp <- c( 3, 6, 9, 1, 12) rank(tmp) ``` therefore with the above data: ```{r} # debug(gamma_conv) (gamma_conv(timeCounTB,ref=2000,last=2005,timeName = "time")) (gamma_conv(timeCounTB,ref=2000,last=2004,timeName = "time")) (gamma_conv(timeCounTB,ref=2000,last=2003,timeName = "time")) (gamma_conv(timeCounTB,ref=2000,last=2002,timeName = "time")) (gamma_conv(timeCounTB,ref=2000,last=2001,timeName = "time")) ``` and changing reference year: ```{r} (gamma_conv(timeCounTB,ref=2001,last=2005,timeName = "time")) (gamma_conv(timeCounTB,ref=2002,last=2004,timeName = "time")) ``` Now we exchange values and calculate gamma-convergence: ```{r} timeCounTB2 <- timeCounTB timeCounTB2[2,2:4] <- timeCounTB[2,4:2] timeCounTB2[4,2:4] <- timeCounTB[4,c(4,2,3)] timeCounTB2 gamma_conv(timeCounTB2,last=2005,ref=2000, timeName = "time",printRanks = T) ``` and after random permutation: ```{r} timeCounTB3 <- cbind(timeCounTB[1],t(apply(timeCounTB,1, function(vet)vet[sample(2:4,3)]))) timeCounTB3 (gamma_conv(timeCounTB3,last=2005,ref=2000, timeName = "time",printRanks = T)) ``` ## Delta-convergence Delta-convergence can be calculated as follows: ```{r,echo=FALSE,eval=FALSE} timeCounTB <- tribble( ~time, ~countryA , ~countryB, ~countryC, 0, 0.8, 2.7, 3.9, 1, 1.2, 3.2, 4.2, 2, 0.9, 2.9, 4.1, 3, 1.3, 2.9, 4.0, 4, 1.2, 3.1, 4.1, 5, 1.2, 3.0, 4.0 ) timeCounTB ``` ```{r} delta_conv(timeCounTB) ``` ## Absolute change Absolute change as described in the reserved Eurofound Annex is defined as: $$ \Delta y_{m,i,t} = y_{m,i,t} - y_{m,i,t-1} $$ for country $m$, indicator $i$ at time $t$. The R function *abso_change* calculates the above quantity, for example in the *emp_20_64_MS* dataset ```{r} data(emp_20_64_MS) mySTB <- abso_change(emp_20_64_MS, time_0 = 2005, time_t = 2010, all_within=TRUE, timeName = "time") names(mySTB$res) ``` thus the above equation results in: ```{r} mySTB$res$abso_change ``` The sum of absolute values $$ \sum_{t=t_0+1}^{} | \Delta y_{m,i,t}| $$ is: ```{r} round(mySTB$res$sum_abs_change,4) ``` and such sum can be divided by the number of pair of years so that the result is an average per pair of years: ```{r} round(mySTB$res$average_abs_change,4) ``` ## Convergence measures on Eurofound lifesatisf indicator Here we assume that larger the index, better the performance. Let's load the Eurofound indicator *lifesatisf*: ```{r} workDF <- extract_indicator_EUF( indicator_code ="lifesatisf", #Code_in_database fromTime=2000, toTime =2018, gender= c("Total","Females","Males")[1], countries = convergEU_glb()$EU27_2020$memberStates$codeMS) workDF wDF <- workDF$res ``` then we ask if it is complete or some missing values are present: ```{r} check_data(select(wDF,-sex),timeName="time") ``` thus at least one missing value is present. In the next step, imputation of missing values is performed: ```{r} wDFI <- impute_dataset(select(wDF,-sex), countries= names(select(wDF,-sex,-time)), timeName = "time", tailMiss = c("cut", "constant")[2], headMiss = c("cut", "constant")[1]) ``` and some checking is done: ```{r} check_data(wDFI$res,timeName="time") ``` which returns TRUE. First, we calculate the EU unweighted average of emp: ```{r} wwTB <- (wDFI$res %>% average_clust(timeName="time",cluster="EU27"))$res wwTB$EU27 ``` Time series can be plotted: ```{r} mini_EU <- min(wwTB$EU27) maxi_EU <- max(wwTB$EU27) qplot(time, EU27, data=wwTB, ylim=c(mini_EU,maxi_EU))+geom_line(colour="navy blue")+ ylab("lifesatisf") ``` ### Beta convergence Now the beta-convergence is calculated for just two years: ```{r} betaRes <- beta_conv(wDFI$res,time_0=2007, time_t=2011, all_within=FALSE) betaRes ``` A plot of transformed data and the straight line may be useful: ```{r,out.width="100%"} mybetaplot<-beta_conv_graph(betaRes, indiName = 'Mean Life Satisfaction', time_0 = 2007, time_t = 2011) mybetaplot ``` Note that label are replicated as many times as the number of included subsequent years. ### Sigma convergence Here we go with calculating the sigma-convergence: ```{r} mysigmares<-sigma_conv(wwTB) #mysigmares ``` It is also possible to obtain a graphical representation of the standard deviation and the coefficient of variation obtained for the Sigma convergence by invoking the *sigma_conv_graph* function as follows: ```{r,fig.width=5,fig.height=4,out.width="65%"} mysigmaplot<-sigma_conv_graph(sigmaconvOut=mysigmares, time_0 = 2007, time_t = 2011, aggregation='EU27_2020') mysigmaplot ``` ### Gamma convergence Let's reload Eurofound data: ```{r} workDF <- extract_indicator_EUF( indicator_code ="lifesatisf", #Code_in_database fromTime=2000, toTime =2018, gender= c("Total","Females","Males")[1], countries = convergEU_glb()$EU27_2020$memberStates$codeMS) wDFI <- impute_dataset(select(workDF$res,-sex), countries= names(select(wDF,-sex,-time)), timeName = "time", tailMiss = c("cut", "constant")[2], headMiss = c("cut", "constant")[1]) check_data(wDFI$res,timeName="time") ``` Now gamma-convergence is computed: ```{r} gamma_conv(wDFI$res,ref=2003,last=2016,timeName = "time") ``` or equivalently: ```{r} tmpRes <- gamma_conv(wDFI$res,ref=2007,last=2011,timeName = "time") ``` Indeed there is the possibility of performing calculation for each pair of subsequent years in the dataset, that is, each year is the reference of the subsequent year: ```{r} wDFI$res ``` ```{r} gamma_conv_msteps(wDFI$res, startTime=2003, endTime=2016, timeName = "time") ``` ### Delta convergence Let $y_{m,i,t}$ be the value of indicator $i$ for member state $m$ at time $t$, and $y^{(M)}_{i,t}$ the maximum value over member states in the reference set $A$, for example $A = EU27$: $$ y^{(M)}_{i,t} = max(\{ y_{m,i,t}: m \in A\}) $$ The distance of a member state $m$ from the top performer at time $i$ is: $$ y^{(M)}_{i,t} - y_{m,i,t} $$ thus the overall distance at time $t$, called delta, is the sum of distances over the reference set $A$ of MS: $$ \delta_{i,t} = \sum_{m \in A} (y^{(M)}_{i,t} - y_{m,i,t}) $$ for the considered indicator $i$. The measure of delta-convergence is obtained as follows: ```{r} delta_conv(wwTB) ``` It must be noted that the *delta_conv* function allows to obtain also the declaration of convergence. To this end, the argument *extended* should be specified as *TRUE*. For example, for the *wwTB* indicator the syntax is as follows: ```{r} delta_conv(wwTB,"time", extended=TRUE) ``` It is also useful to evaluate how much a collection of **MS** deviates from the **EU** mean for a given indicator and a period of time. In order to obtain this further information the *demea_change* function has been implemented in the *convergEU* package: ```{r} res1<-demea_change(wwTB, timeName="time", time_0 = 2003, time_t = 2016, sele_countries= NA, doplot=TRUE) res1 ``` To plot the calculated differences, the user should invoke the *plot* function as follows: ```{r,fig.width = 6,out.width="100%"} plot(res1$res$res_graph) ``` # Support functions There are several auxiliary functions that help to prepare the tidy dataset time by member states (MS, that is countries in EU), which is needed in almost all computations. Here the most important resources are described. ## Summaries and clusters of countries An important summary is obtained as unweighted average of country values. The cluster of considered countries may be specified and is also stored within the function generating global static objects and tables, called *convergEU_glb()*. The illustration of this function exploits the *emp_20_64_MS* dataframe in *convergEU* package. First note that the EU area is made by the following MS: ```{r} convergEU_glb()$Eurozone ``` while labels representing the 28 MS are: ```{r} convergEU_glb()$EU27_2020 ``` The list of known MS labels is shown in the appendix. For example, the unweighted average in the *emp_20_64_MS* dataset is: ```{r} testTB <- emp_20_64_MS average_clust(testTB,timeName = "time",cluster = "EU27")$res[,c(1,30)] ``` while for EU12 is: ```{r} average_clust(testTB,timeName = "time",cluster = "EU12")$res[,c(1,30)] ``` An unknown label, like "EUspirit", causes computation error: ```{r} average_clust(testTB,timeName = "TTime",cluster = "EUspirit") ``` ## Imputing missing values using a straight line The basic imputation method is deterministic, like the average of interval endpoints, but it assumes that a linear change of an indicator happened between the two observed time points flanking a chunk of missing values. ```{r,out.width="65%"} intervalTime <- c(1999,2000,2001) intervalMeasure <- c( 66.5, NA,87.2) currentData <- tibble(time= intervalTime, veval= intervalMeasure) currentData resImputed <- impute_dataset(currentData, countries = "veval", timeName = "time", tailMiss = c("cut", "constant")[2], headMiss = c("cut", "constant")[2]) resImputed ``` ```{r,echo=FALSE,out.width="65%"} tmp <- as.data.frame(currentData[ c(1,3),] ) tmp2 <- as.data.frame(resImputed$res[2,] ) myg <- ggplot(as.data.frame(resImputed$res), mapping=aes(x=time,y=veval)) + geom_point() + geom_line(data=resImputed$res,col="red") + geom_point(data=tmp,mapping=aes(x=time,y=veval), size=4, colour="blue") + geom_point(data= tmp2, aes(x=time,y=veval),size=4,alpha=1/3,col="black") + xlab("Time") + ylab("Measure / Index") + ggtitle( "Blue points are observed values (grey ones are missing) \n") myg ``` If several missing values are present in a row ```{r} intervalTime <- c(1999,2000,2001,2002,2003) intervalMeasure <- c( 66.5, NA,NA,NA,87.2) currentData <- tibble(time= intervalTime, veval= intervalMeasure) currentData resImputed <- impute_dataset(currentData, countries = "veval", timeName = "time", tailMiss = c("cut", "constant")[2], headMiss = c("cut", "constant")[2]) tmp <- as.data.frame(currentData[ c(1,5),] ) tmp2 <- as.data.frame(resImputed$res[2:4,] ) resImputed ``` ```{r,echo=FALSE,out.width="65%"} myg <- ggplot(as.data.frame(resImputed$res), mapping=aes(x=time,y=veval)) + geom_point() + geom_line(data=resImputed$res,col="red") + geom_point(data=tmp,mapping=aes(x=time,y=veval), size=4, colour="blue") + geom_point(data= tmp2, aes(x=time,y=veval),size=4,alpha=1/3,col="black") + xlab("Time") + ylab("Measure / Index") + ggtitle( "Blue points are observed values (grey ones are missing) \n") myg ``` ## Weighted average smoothing of a complete dataset It may be of interest to assume that part of the variability observed in a country on a given index is **not structural**, i.e. not due to causal determinants by to transient fluctuations. Furthermore, the interest here is not directed towards prediction but on smoothing values observed in the whole considered time interval. In such a case a smoothing procedure remove sudden large changes showing a less variable time serie than the original. Given that here short time series (panel data) are considered, a three points weighted average is proposed. The smoother substitutes an original raw value $y_{m,i,t}$ of country $m$ indicator $i$ at time $t$ with the weighted average $$\check{y}_{m,i,t} = y_{m,i,t-1} ~ (1-w)/2 +w ~y_{m,i,t} +y_{m,i,t+1} ~(1-w)/2$$ where $0< w \leq 1$. The special case $w=1$ corresponds to no smoothing. In case of missing values an NA is returned. If the weight is outside the interval $(0,1]$ then a NA is returned. The first and last values are smoothed using weights $w$ and $1-w$. After loading data, imputation takes place and finally smoothing is performed. Now, countries IT and DE are considered to illustrate the procedure. First check if missing values are present: ```{r} workTB <- dplyr::select(emp_20_64_MS, time, IT,DE) check_data(workTB) ``` thus checking is passed, so we go with the smoothing step after deleting the time variable: ```{r} resSM <- smoo_dataset(select(workTB,-time), leadW = 0.149, timeTB= select(workTB,time)) resSM ``` and for a comparison: ```{r} tmpSM <- dplyr::rename(dplyr::select(resSM,-time),IT1=IT,DE1=DE) compaTB <- dplyr::select(bind_cols(workTB, tmpSM), time,IT,IT1,DE,DE1) compaTB ``` A graphical output shows changes for "IT", with original index in blue and smoothed index in red: ```{r,out.width="70%"} qplot(time,IT,data=compaTB) + geom_line(colour="navyblue") + geom_line(aes(x=time,y=IT1),colour="red") + geom_point(aes(x=time,y=IT1),colour="red",shape=8) ``` Similarly for Germany, i.e. "DE": ```{r,out.width="70%"} qplot(time,DE,data=compaTB) + geom_line(colour="navyblue") + geom_line(aes(x=time,y=DE1),colour="red") + geom_point(aes(x=time,y=DE1),colour="red",shape=8) ``` A weight equal to 1 leaves data unchanged: ```{r,out.width="70%"} resSM <- smoo_dataset(dplyr::select(workTB,-time), leadW = 1, timeTB= dplyr::select(workTB,time)) resSM <- dplyr::rename(resSM,IT1=IT, DE1=DE) compaTB <- dplyr::select(dplyr::bind_cols(workTB, dplyr::select(resSM,-time)), time,IT,IT1,DE,DE1) qplot(time,IT,data=compaTB) + geom_line(colour="navyblue") + geom_line(aes(x=time,y=IT1),colour="red") + geom_point(aes(x=time,y=IT1),colour="red",shape=8) ``` **A time window larger than $3$ could be considered, but deep thoughts are recommended on how much economic and social changes may happen in $5$ consecutive years.** ## Moving Average smoother Several alternative smoothing algorithm are available in R. Classical *ma* smoothers are also available from the *caTools* package. The emp_20_64_MS dataset is now chosen for example, first with Italy and then with Germany as member states of interest. ```{r} data(emp_20_64_MS) cuTB <- dplyr::tibble(ITori =emp_20_64_MS$IT) cuTB <- dplyr::mutate(cuTB,time =emp_20_64_MS$time) ``` At the beginning and end of this series values are averages on smaller and smaller number of observations on the tails: ```{r} cuTB <- dplyr:: mutate(cuTB, IT_k_3= caTools::runmean(emp_20_64_MS$IT, k=3, alg=c("C", "R", "fast", "exact")[4], endrule=c("mean", "NA", "trim", "keep", "constant", "func")[4], align = c("center", "left", "right")[1])) cuTB <- dplyr:: mutate(cuTB, IT_k_5= caTools::runmean(emp_20_64_MS$IT, k=5, alg=c("C", "R", "fast", "exact")[4], endrule=c("mean", "NA", "trim", "keep", "constant", "func")[4], align = c("center", "left", "right")[1])) cuTB <- dplyr:: mutate(cuTB, IT_k_7= caTools::runmean(emp_20_64_MS$IT, k=7, alg=c("C", "R", "fast", "exact")[4], endrule=c("mean", "NA", "trim", "keep", "constant", "func")[4], align = c("center", "left", "right")[1])) ``` ```{r} myG <- ggplot(cuTB,aes(x=time,y=ITori))+geom_line()+geom_point()+ geom_line(aes(x=time,y=IT_k_3),colour="red")+ geom_point(aes(x=time,y=IT_k_3),colour="red")+ # geom_line(aes(x=time,y=IT_k_5),colour="blue")+ geom_point(aes(x=time,y=IT_k_5),colour="blue")+ # geom_line(aes(x=time,y=IT_k_7),colour="orange")+ geom_point(aes(x=time,y=IT_k_7),colour="orange")+ theme(legend.position = c(.5, .5), legend.title = element_text(face = "bold")) myG ``` For Germany, a similar implementation provides the following result: ```{r} cuTB <- dplyr::mutate(cuTB, DEori =emp_20_64_MS$DE) cuTB <- dplyr:: mutate(cuTB, DE_k_3= runmean(emp_20_64_MS$DE, k=3, alg=c("C", "R", "fast", "exact")[4], endrule=c("mean", "NA", "trim", "keep", "constant", "func")[4], align = c("center", "left", "right")[1])) cuTB <- dplyr:: mutate(cuTB, DE_k_5= runmean(emp_20_64_MS$DE, k=5, alg=c("C", "R", "fast", "exact")[4], endrule=c("mean", "NA", "trim", "keep", "constant", "func")[4], align = c("center", "left", "right")[1])) cuTB <- dplyr:: mutate(cuTB, DE_k_7= runmean(emp_20_64_MS$DE, k=7, alg=c("C", "R", "fast", "exact")[4], endrule=c("mean", "NA", "trim", "keep", "constant", "func")[4], align = c("center", "left", "right")[1])) ``` ```{r} myG <- ggplot(cuTB,aes(x=time,y=DEori))+geom_line()+geom_point()+ geom_line(aes(x=time,y=DE_k_3),colour="red")+ geom_point(aes(x=time,y=DE_k_3),colour="red")+ # geom_line(aes(x=time,y=DE_k_5),colour="blue")+ geom_point(aes(x=time,y=DE_k_5),colour="blue")+ # geom_line(aes(x=time,y=DE_k_7),colour="orange")+ geom_point(aes(x=time,y=DE_k_7),colour="orange")+ theme(legend.position = c(.5, .5), legend.title = element_text(face = "bold")) myG ``` The time serie is so short that at $k=7$ a lot of observations are smoothed with different number of observations (shorter at start and end). The above calculations are performed by a function in the *convergEU* package: ```{r} cuTB <- emp_20_64_MS[,c("time","IT","DE")] ma_dataset(cuTB, kappa=3, timeName= "time") ``` that is a bit less flexible but it produced standard results. # Scoreboards The basis of scoreboard are raw values of an indicator (level, $y_{m,i,t}$) for MS $m$ at time $t$ for indicator $i$. Differences among subsequent years (change) are as well important, namely $$ y_{m,i,t} - y_{m,i,t-1} $$ thus a function to calculate these values may be exploited. Let's consider the dataset *emp_20_64_MS*, to calculate such quantities we do the following: ```{r} data(emp_20_64_MS) resTB <- scoreb_yrs(emp_20_64_MS,timeName = "time") resTB ``` where the result is a list of three components: the summary statistics, the numerical labels to indicate the interval of the partition a level belongs to, the interval of the partition a change belongs to. Numerical labels are assigned as follows (see DRAFT JOINT EMPLOYMENT REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION AND THE COUNCIL): * value $-1$ if a the original level or change is $y \leq m -1 \cdot s$; * value $-0.5$ if a the original level or change is $m -1\cdot s < y \leq m - 0.5\cdot s$; * value $0$ if a the original level or change is $m - 0.5\cdot s< y \leq m +0.5\cdot s$; * value $+0.5$ if a the original level or change is $m +0.5\cdot s< y \leq m + 1\cdot s$; * value $1$ if a the original level or change is $y > m +1\cdot s$. We note that there is the possibility of representing the above summaries as coloured plots (TO DO) into scoreboards. For the comparison of a country with the EU average, the following steps are recommended, from raw data: ```{r} # library(ggplot2) data(emp_20_64_MS) selectedCountry <- "IT" timeName <- "time" myx_angle <- 45 outSig <- sigma_conv(emp_20_64_MS, timeName = timeName, time_0=2002,time_t=2016) miniY <- min(emp_20_64_MS[,- which(names(emp_20_64_MS) == timeName )]) maxiY <- max(emp_20_64_MS[,- which(names(emp_20_64_MS) == timeName )]) estrattore<- emp_20_64_MS[[timeName]] >= 2002 & emp_20_64_MS[[timeName]] <= 2016 ttmp <- cbind(outSig$res, dplyr::select(emp_20_64_MS[estrattore,], -contains(timeName))) myG2 <- ggplot(ttmp) + ggtitle( paste("EU average (black, solid) and country",selectedCountry ," (red, dotted)") )+ geom_line(aes(x=ttmp[,timeName], y =ttmp[,"mean"]),colour="black") + geom_point(aes(x=ttmp[,timeName],y =ttmp[,"mean"]),colour="black") + # geom_line()+geom_point()+ ylim(c(miniY,maxiY)) + xlab("Year") +ylab("Indicator") + theme(legend.position = "none")+ # add countries geom_line( aes(x=ttmp[,timeName], y = ttmp[,"IT"],colour="red"),linetype="dotted") + geom_point( aes(x=ttmp[,timeName], y = ttmp[,"IT"],colour="red")) + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = ttmp[,timeName], labels = ttmp[,timeName]) + ggplot2::theme( axis.text.x=ggplot2::element_text( #size = ggplot2::rel(myfont_scale ), angle = myx_angle #vjust = 1, #hjust=1 )) myG2 ``` It is also possible to graphically show departures in terms of the above defined partition: ```{r,fig.height=11} obe_lvl <- scoreb_yrs(emp_20_64_MS,timeName = timeName)$res$sco_level_num # select subset of time estrattore <- obe_lvl[[timeName]] >= 2009 & obe_lvl[[timeName]] <= 2016 scobelvl <- obe_lvl[estrattore,] my_MSstd <- ms_dynam( scobelvl, timeName = "time", displace = 0.25, displaceh = 0.45, dimeFontNum = 3, myfont_scale = 1.35, x_angle = 45, axis_name_y = "Countries", axis_name_x = "Time", alpha_color = 0.9 ) my_MSstd ```

# Country fiche The **counvergEU** package provides a function that automatically prepares one or more country fiches. This function is able to create a directory along an existing path and to copy the rmarkdown file representing the template within it. The rmarkdown file is parameterized so that passing different parameters the compilation takes place with different data, say different indicators and countries. It is very important to prepare complete data in a tibble (dataset) made by a time variable and as many other variables as countries that enter into the calculation of the time average. Failing to satisfy this requisite causes the use of a wrong mean value at each year. Nevertheless one key country is specified and some other countries of interest may be listed to better decorate graphs and compare performances. Below, a call to the function *go_ms_fi()* illustrates the syntax: ```r go_ms_fi( workDF ='myTB', countryRef ='DE', otherCountries = "c('IT','UK','FR')", time_0 = 2002, time_t = 2016, tName = 'time', indiType = "highBest", aggregation= 'EU27_2020', x_angle= 45, dataNow= Sys.time(), author = 'A.Student', outFile = 'Germany-up2-2016', outDir = "tt-fish", indiName= 'emp_20_64_MS' ) ``` but it is very important to emphasize some constraints and unusual ways to pass parameters to such a function. In fact, note that the first argument is the working dataset which is passed not as an R object but as a string, the name of the dataset that must be available in the R workspace before invoking *go_ms_fi*. The second argument *countryRef* is a string with the short name of a member country that will be shown in one-country plots. Less obvious, argument *indiType = "lowBest"* specifies if the considered indicator is built so that a low value is good for a country or if a high value is good (*indiType = "highBest"*). Of particular importance the argument *outFile* that can be a string indicating the name of the output file. Similarly *outDir* is the path (unit and folders) in which the final compiled html will be stored. The syntax of the path depend on the operating system; for example *outDir='F:/analysis/IT2018'* indicates that in the usb disk called 'F', within the folder 'analysis' is located folder 'IT2018' where R will write the country fiche. Note that a disk called 'F' must exist and also folder 'analysis' must exist in such unit, while on the contrary folder 'IT2018' is created by the function if it does not already exist. Within the above mentioned output directory, besides the compiled html, it is also stored a file called like specified by *outFile* but with added the string '-workspace.RData' that contains data and plots produced during the compilation of the country fiche for further subsequent use in other technical reports. # Indicator fiches An auxiliary function *go_indica_fi()* is provided in the R package *convergEU* to produce an indicator fiches, where the output is an html file. At this purpose, an output directory must be also specified. Note that some arguments are passed as strings instead of objects, as described in the last section above. An example of syntax to invoke the procedure is: ``` go_indica_fi( time_0 = 2005, time_t = 2010, timeName = 'time', workingDF = 'emp_20_64_MS' , indicaT = 'emp_20_64', indiType = c('highBest','lowBest')[1], seleMeasure = 'all', seleAggre = 'EU27_2020', x_angle = 45, data_res_download = FALSE, auth = 'A.Student', dataNow = '2019/05/16', outFile = "test_IT-emp_20_64_MS", outDir = "tt-fish" ) ```
# References The following reference may be consulted for details: * Brussels, 21.11.2018, COM(2018) 761 final, DRAFT JOINT EMPLOYMENT REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION AND THE COUNCIL, accompanying the Communication from the Commission on the Annual Growth Survey 2019. * Eurofound (2018), Upward convergence in the EU: Concepts, measurements and indicators, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg; by: Massimiliano Mascherini, Martina Bisello, Hans Dubois and Franz Eiffe. * Tuszynski, J. (2015). **caTools**: Tools: moving window statistics, GIF, Base64, ROC AUC, etc. R package version, URL https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=caTools. * Nedka D. Nikiforova, Federico M. Stefanini, Chiara Litardi, Eleonora Peruffo and Massimiliano Mascherini (2020) Tutorial: analysis of convergence with the convergEU package. Package vignette URL https://local.disia.unifi.it/stefanini/RESEARCH/coneu/tutorial-conv.html

# Appendix: clusters over time of EU MS In this appendix several lists of member states are defined as follows: ```{r} setupConvergEU <- convergEU_glb() names(setupConvergEU) ``` and, with more details: ```{r} print(setupConvergEU$EUcodes,n=30) print(setupConvergEU$Eurozone) setupConvergEU$EU12 setupConvergEU$EU15 ``` ```{r} print(setupConvergEU$EU25$dates) print(setupConvergEU$EU25$memberStates,n=30) print(setupConvergEU$EU27$dates) print(setupConvergEU$EU27$memberStates,n=30) print(setupConvergEU$EU27_2020$dates) print(setupConvergEU$EU27_2020$memberStates,n=30) ```